European Climat Pact

The city of Písek has joined a pilot project, aimed at bringing environmental and sustainability issues closer to the citizens of the city. Together with Setúbal in Portugal and Łódź in Poland, we will cooperate and share our experience in this field.

The European Climate Pact encourages everyone, individuals and organisations, to take action on climate protection. It inspires concrete actions (commitments) that people can take to support the emergence of a more sustainable Europe. These commitments can take the form of small sustainability changes or big, bold initiatives. These are practical changes in our daily lives - from how we produce, consume, transport, heat or cool our homes, to how we work and live together.

During the two workshops you can:

  • Learn about climate change and what it means for your world.
  • Make practical changes - big or small - to reduce your impact on the environment.
  • Connect with others and share ideas and experiences.
  • Become a change-maker in your own world and inspire others to take action.
  • Start to share things with those around you - friends, colleagues or neighbours - to maximise the impact of your actions.

The aim of the project is to develop a discussion on the environment within the city and to actively engage with citizens and involve them in this issue.

The dates and exact time of both workshops will be announced.