Smart Písek

The idea behind the Smart Písek concept is to make everyday life in the city easier, cleaner, and more comfortable with the use of smart solutions.

About Smart City

Smart cities spare time and the environment of their citizens.
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About Smart Písek

Smart Písek as clean, safe, open, and modern city.        
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About Smart Písek office

Smart city needs conceptual management and long-term work.
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Smart City Písek - solutions

Modern technologies help to improve the quality of life of the city's inhabitans as well as its environment. 



Visiting Tampere: Smart Písek on the Way to the Future

From June 10 to 13, 2024, we participated in a study trip to the Finnish city of Tampere on behalf of Smart Písek. This visit was part of our involvement in the URBACT METACITY project, which focuses on innovative urban development methods and the use of technology. >


Smart Písek at the "Piskoviste" festival

The theme of this year's Pískoviště, organized by Sladovna, was RE_CREATION. As Smart Písek, we decided to participate in the event as part of the Re-Value project. Our booth was located by the walls at Parkány, from where we had a direct view of the pool. Here, we implemented our idea of a "window to the future." >


Urban Local Group meeting

The Metacity-Urbact: Smart Písek project organized its second meeting focused on the innovative use of technologies for urban development. This project, part of the Urbact initiative, aims to integrate modern technologies into urban planning and improve residents' lives. The discussion mainly centered on advancements in visualizations using Metaquest and drones, including a 3D traffic playground. >