Smart Písek at the "Piskoviste" festival

The theme of this year's Pískoviště, organized by Sladovna, was RE_CREATION. As Smart Písek, we decided to participate in the event as part of the Re-Value project. Our booth was located by the walls at Parkány, from where we had a direct view of the pool. Here, we implemented our idea of a "window to the future."

This year's Pískoviště festival took visitors to the city pool area. As this space has been unused for a long time, we decided to join the event through the activities of the Re-Value project and pose the interactive question, "How could this space be transformed?" We received many interesting suggestions in response. Visitors could view diverse proposals, some of which included transforming the area into a multifunctional sports ground, a community garden, or a cultural center. Additionally, they had the opportunity to draw their own visions of the space on a sheet placed on an easel in our booth with a direct view of the pool.

Many visitors appreciated the chance to express their ideas and discuss the potential of the unused area with experts and other participants. The discussions often turned to sustainability and the needs of the local community. It was clear that people are interested in projects that not only revive abandoned spaces but also provide valuable services and activities for the general public. Thus, Pískoviště not only enriched the city's cultural program but also inspired new visions and possibilities for the future development of unused urban areas.