Urban Local Group meeting

The Metacity-Urbact: Smart Písek project organized its second meeting focused on the innovative use of technologies for urban development. This project, part of the Urbact initiative, aims to integrate modern technologies into urban planning and improve residents' lives. The discussion mainly centered on advancements in visualizations using Metaquest and drones, including a 3D traffic playground.

The meeting brought forth a number of innovative ideas and proposals for using virtual reality and other technologies to improve urban life. These proposals were aimed at a wide range of residents, including individuals with disabilities and limited mobility. Financial challenges and the feasibility of the projects were also discussed. The meaningfulness and impact of the projects, especially those including individuals without access to VR, were emphasized. Ray-Ban glasses with AI and the possibilities of using augmented reality in households were also mentioned.

Various proposals and ideas for small-scale actions (SSA) were introduced. One of the proposals involved visualizing the revitalization of Hus Square with a virtual guide, which sparked extensive debate. Another project focused on using virtual reality in intensive care units, specifically for working with devices and training staff. Swedish projects that use VR to assess the accessibility of future buildings were also presented. The discussion also touched on the visualization of Písek Castle based on an existing study and the financial demands of these SSAs.

The meeting concluded with a discussion on the social aspects, the approach of different generations to technology, and the therapeutic use of VR for individuals with limited mobility.