
Písek has joined the European Re-Value project

Datum: 17.03.2023 Kategorie: Projects in progress

This year, the city of Písek officially joined the Re-Value project, in which, alongside selected European cities, it will deal with the application of urban planning and climate measures for sustainable development in specific locations with the aim of creating an optimally welcoming city with an emphasis on future climate neutrality.

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COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology

Datum: 07.03.2022 Kategorie: Projects in progress

The fundamental goal is to bring together projects that already accomplish comparable things and encourage them to share best practices, lessons learned, ideas, and research findings. The city of Písek was invited to join in the project as part of an international collaboration called + CityxChange, and the Czech Technical University's University Center for Energy Efficient Buildings is involved.

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Increasing the efficiency and transparency of public administration through the development of the use and quality of the ICT system (IROP 28)

Datum: 07.03.2022 Kategorie: Implemented projects

The Integrated Regional Operational Program is funding the project Increasing the efficiency and transparency of public administration through the enhancement of the use and quality of the ICT system (IROP). 06 16 044 28 (call number and title). SC 3.2 - Call IROP - Specific information and communication systems and infrastructure II.

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Datum: 07.03.2022 Kategorie: Implemented projects

The goal of this interactive exhibition, which was produced by Sladovna Písek in collaboration with Smart Písek, the city of Písek, is to go behind the scenes of eight issues that the city is facing and experience firsthand what it means to be a city administrator in such scenarios.

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Citizen Engagement

Datum: 07.03.2022 Kategorie: Projects in progress

Citizen involvement, or involving residents in what is going on in the city, is another key function of the organizational unit.

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Datum: 07.03.2022 Kategorie: Projects in progress

The City of Písek, in collaboration with Do It! (Podnikni to!), hosted the first entrepreneurship course for people of the city and neighboring towns in mid-September 2021.

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Green walls

Datum: 07.03.2022 Kategorie: Planned projects

The concept is that a media (substrate, water-soaked substance, etc.) is connected to the wall, and living plants, frequently many species, grow from this medium, forming beautiful color patterns.

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Swedish Trees

Datum: 07.01.2022 Kategorie: Planned projects

This is a novel form of urban greenery planting that focuses on trees. Smart Písek has adapted this concept from Sweden, where they've been working on it for several years.

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